Thursday, April 5, 2012

IMRaD Report Questionnaire

1.       Do you live on or off campus?

a.       On campus

b.      Off campus

2.       What is your GPA?

a.       Below 1.0

b.      Between 1.0 and 2.0

c.       Between 2.0 and 3.0

d.      Between 3.0 and 4.0

e.      Don’t Know

3.       Have you ever missed a class during the 2012 spring semester?

a.       Yes

b.      No

4.       Where do you study best?

a.       In the libraries on campus

b.      In your current residence

c.       Outside

d.      Other (please state where you study best:__________________________ )

5.       How many classes do you have in a week? Last week, how many of those classes did you attend?

6.       Does your current living situation affect your study habits (i.e. how long you study, how productive your studying is, where you study, who you study with, etc.)?

7.        What other things effect your study habits? For example, you like to study in complete silence rather than with music or any other distractions.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Plan: IMRaD Report

For my IMRaD report, I plan on conducting a survey for question (1) and an interview for question (2). The survey or interviews will be conducted in my English 102 class (or through email) and the participants will be my fellow classmates. After collecting all the data, I will analyze it in many ways. First, I will summarize the most important aspects of the study. Secondly, I will point out any problems in the experiment. Then, explain any implications. Lastly, suggestions for future research will be brought fourth.

Potiential Research Questions for IMRaD Report

1.       How do you like to study?

a.       With music

b.      With food

c.       Complete silence

d.      Other

2.       Do you live on or off campus? Does your current living situation affect your study habits? What other things effect your study habits?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Differences Between Research Paper and IMRaD Report

In my English 102 class, we have written many assignments. Our most recent writing was a research paper and our next assignment will be an IMRaD report. These two assignments are extremely different. One difference between a research paper and an IMRaD report is the structure. In a research paper, you state the thesis in the beginning and continue to support the thesis in the body paragraphs. However, an IMRaD report is more structured. Before the actual paper, there is an abstract with a summary of the report. Then, the paper begins with the introduction followed by paragraphs that include methods, results, and discussion. Another difference between the two papers is the sources used. In a research paper, primary and secondary sources from other writers are used to back your ideas. In an IMRaD report, you conduct a poll or experiment and use the information that you have gained in the report. There is no need for many outside sources, which brings me to my next point: works cited page. In a research paper, a works cited page is extremely important because the information in the paper is supported by so many sources. A works cited page is needed to avoid plagiarism. However, an IMRaD report does not require a works cited page because most of the information is coming from the writers experiment or poll.
After analyzing both assignments, a research paper and an IMRaD report have many differences. One difference is the structure of the papers. Another difference is the sources used in the papers. Lastly, in a research paper, a works cited page is crucial; however, in an IMRaD report, a works cited page is not necessary. With these differences in mind, our class’s next writing assignment is clearer to me and should be uncomplicated to complete.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Research Paper Outline

Research Paper – Outline
        I.            Introduction
1.       Hook: Mention how many potential lives could be saved by advancing embryonic stem cell research. Include statistics or a quote to emphasize the positivity this research can bring to people and their family. Focus on pathos and also ethos.
2.       Thesis:  I support embryonic stem cell research because of its potential to save billions of lives.
3.       Implications: Is embryonic stem cell research safe? Do Americans spend their money on this research? Are there any success stories with embryo stem cell research? Is it even worth all of this time, money, and debate?
      II.            Background
1.       Explain exactly what embryo research is.
2.       Give a brief history of embryo stem cell research and also mention the controversy that is involved with it.
3.       Source: Roberston, John A. “Embryo Stem Cell Research: Ten Years of Controversy.” Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics 38.2 (2010): 191-203. Print.
    III.            Body Paragraphs
1.       The Outcome of Embryo Stem Cell Research Will Save Lives
·   Include a success story that involves embryo stem cell research and mention all of the progress that has been made since the beginning of the research.
·   Sources:
1.        “The Promise of Stem Cells.” NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. Web
2.       Roberston, John A. “Embryo Stem Cell Research: Ten Years of Controversy.” Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics 38.2 (2010): 191-203. Print.
2.       Financing Embryo Stem Cell Research Is Key
·   Without monetary support, embryo stem cell research cannot reach its full potiential.
·   The flow of money seems to change with each presidency; mention how democratic presidents have supported the research while republican presidents have not.
·   How much money is needed for this research? And where does all of the money go?
1.       Give specifics about how much money is given to scientists and how much is used to purchase equipment for research.
2.       How much tax dollars are Americans spending?
·   Conclude with the fact that all of money used is not going to waste. Embryo stem cell research is a positive aspect to science and funding will only help research prosper.
·   Sources:
1.       “Rethinking stem cell research, funds.” USA Today
2.       Blendon, Robert J., Minah Kang Kim, and John M. Benson. “The Public, Political Parties, And Stem Cell Research.” New England Journal of Medicine 365.20 (2011) 1853-1856
3.       Oppostion to Embryonic Stem Cell Research
·   People believe that this type of research is unethical because of the destruction of human embryos.
1.       Mention exactly what am embryo is and state weather there is life at this stage in a cell.
·   Too much money is spent on this research.
1.       Not enough money is spent on this research. The more funding, the more success.
·   Sources:
1.       Hurlbut, William B. “Ethics And Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Altered Nuclear Transfer As A Way Forward.” Biodrugs 21.2 (2007): 79-83
2.       McClain, Colleen. “Debating Restrictions On Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Politics & The Life Sciences 28.2 (2009):48-68
3.       Roberston, John A. “Embryo Stem Cell Research: Ten Years of Controversy.” Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics 38.2 (2010): 191-203. Print.
    IV.            Conclusion
1.       Restate thesis and summarize main arguments.
2.       Relate embryonic stem cell research to audience. Use pathos.
·   Example: With embryonic stem cell research, your close relative can be saved from there thought to be “terminal” disease.
·   Embryonic Stem Cell Research can eliminate terminal diseases.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Similarities/Differences Between MLA and APA

The essays entitled “Against the Odds: Harry S. Truman and the Election of 1948”, by Dylan Borchers’, and “It’s in Our Genes: The Biological Basis of Human Mating Behavior”, by Carolyn Stonehill, have many similarities even though they are written in two different formats. Borchers’ essay is in MLA format while Stonehill’s essay is in APA format. One similarity in their quoting and citation is that both use parenthesis to cite quotations. Also, block quotations are the same in both formats; both are indented one inch away from the margin and have the citation at the end of the quote. Lastly, the format of their work cited page (MLA format) and Reference (APA format) page are the same. The heading is centered and each citation is in alphabetical order with all lines after the first line of each entry indented.
Even though Borchers’ and Stonehill’s essays have similarities, there are many differences. One difference between the two is the placement of the citations. In MLA format, the citation is at the end of a sentence while in APA format the citation is right after the quote. Although both use parenthesis, as stated in the previous paragraph, the information inside the parenthesis is different. In Borchers essay, most citations included page numbers and last names. In Stonehill’s essay, mostly dates or page numbers were used to cite information. One last difference is the last page of each essay. The essay formatted in MLA has a “Works Cited” page while the APA formatted essay has a “Reference” page.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Analysis of "Organ Sales Will Save Lives"

                In the essay “Organ Sales Will Save Lives” by Joanna MacKay, kidney failure is the main topic. In her thesis, MacKay states that, “Governments should not ban the sale of human organs; they should regulate it.” This thesis is supported by one main reason: it will save lives. MacKay also states that with the legal selling of organs, more people will be willing to give up their kidneys. This is one way the selling of organs will save lives. People in third world countries are extremely willing to sell their kidneys because they need the money. MacKay points out that there is a black market for selling kidneys because it is illegal to sell organs in many countries. The broker who arranges the sale, takes advantage of uneducated poor people who are in desperate need of money, only paying them around $,1,000 for a kidney.
                MacKay’s essay is well written and organized. She clearly states her thesis in the beginning of her essay and gives valid reasons to support her opinion with sources in the body paragraphs. The essay also includes opposing views; for example, this quote from Pope John Paul II: “the selling of organs is morally wrong and violates ‘the dignity of the human person’.” MacKay defends this idea by saying that “We have a responsibility to protect and help those less fortunate…” In MacKay’s conclusion, she restates her thesis and asks a rhetorical question: “Is it moral to sentence thousands to unnecessary death?”

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Peer Review for Stephanie Blough

Peer Review Guidelines for Synthesis
  1. Does the introduction give you enough background to understand the topic and the controversy? Does it provide some hints about how the sources are organized? Offer your suggestions for improving the introduction? I think your introduction is great. You give good background info. Just fix minor grammar errors and clear up fourth sentence
  2.  How many sources are used? 7
  3.  Does the writer provide succinct and clear summary of the sources and connect the summary to the problem? yes
  4.    Do you see a logical transition from one source to the other? How many sources are used in each paragraph?  yes; there is a logical transition. there are about 2-3 sources in each paragraph
  5.   Does the writer incorporate the quotes with her/his own writing in an effective manner and cite the sources correctly? Are there places where the sources seem to take the writer off-track?
    • I think that some quotes could be explained more clearly
    • most are cited correctly
    • I feel like the third paragraph gets off track
  6.     Does the writer make succinct and precise conclusion based on the review? Does the conclusion have a clear hypothesis or research question(s)? Is the hypothesis/research question based on the review? yes
  7.   Does each paragraph adhere to a single main idea? Note any paragraphs that seem to have multiple topics competing for attention.
    • second paragraph: your topic sentence is different from the rest -- make a connection between the tests and ADI
    • third paragraph: maybe spend less time on BMI and obesity
  8.  Are paragraphs connected with transitions?  Identify any places where transitions between paragraphs can be improved. good transitions
  9.  Do paragraphs make good use of repetition of key ideas?  Note any places where the writer might improve coherence by repeating a key term or synonym. yes
  10.  Is the overall order of paragraphs in the paper logical? yes
  11. Does the writer include a correctly documented works cited page? yes
  12. What are the four most significant changes the writer could make to improve this paper?
    • explain quotes better
    • put periods in correct places
    • clear up few confusing sentences
    • fix grammar mistakes

Peer Review for Ieisha D.

Peer Review Guidelines for Synthesis

1.  Does the introduction give you enough background to understand the topic and the controversy?Does it provide some hints about how the sources are organized? Offer your suggestions for improving the introduction?
     good, clear up a few sentences 

2.   How many sources are used? Does the writer provide succinct and clear summary of the sources and connect the summary to the problem?

3. Do you see a logical transition from one source to the other? How many sources are used in each paragraph?

4.    Does the writer incorporate the quotes with her/his own writing in an effective manner and cite the sources correctly? Are there places where the sources seem to take the writer off-track?

5.    Does the writer make succinct and precise conclusion based on the review? Does the conclusion have a clear hypothesis or research question(s)? Is the hypothesis/research question based on the review?
          make sure to capitialize sources

6.    Does each paragraph adhere to a single main idea? Note any paragraphs that seem to have multiple topics competing for attention.
          yes, great conclusion

7.    Are paragraphs connected with transitions?  Identify any places where transitions between paragraphs can be improved.
         third paragraph: maybe change topic sentence
         fifth paragraph: explain quote and write more about topic

8.    Do paragraphs make good use of repetition of key ideas?  Note any places where the writer might improve coherence by repeating a key term or synonym.
            make sure all topic sentences are transitions 

9.  Is the overall order of paragraphs in the paper logical?

10. Does the writer include a correctly documented works cited page?

11.  What are the four most significant changes the writer could make to improve this paper?
       make sure you have correct transition sentences
             make the controversy more clear
             cite sources correctly
             fix long quote in the 5th paragraph (p.434 in book)  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Summary of Sources for Synthesis Essay

Embryo Stem Cell Research: Ten Years of Controversy by John A. Roberston
This source is an article concerned with the many controversies surrounding embryo stem cell research. There are seven main topics mentioned: why ESCs are controversial, legal and constitutional issues, funding issues, regulatory issues, translation into the clinic, future issues, and ethical conflict and the pace of innovation. The author seems to support embryo stem cell research because he is stating all of the obstacles that this scientific development has to go through to succeed. He states that “law and policy affect scientific innovation.” Over the last ten years, funding issues has been the main problem. There are also ethical issues because some people consider embryo’s human life and doing stem cell research is destroying life.

Ethics and Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Altered Nuclear Transfer as a Way Forward by William B. Hurlbut
This source is an article that is concerned with an alternative to embryonic stem cell research. The author mentions that embryos are early forms of human life and should not be experimented upon. Hurlbut also mentions the Dickey Amendment which “effectively prohibits the use of federal funds to support any research that endangers or destroys human embryos.” His alternative is altered nuclear transfer which “employs the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer, but the somatic cell nucleus or cytoplasm (or both) are first altered before the somatic cell nucleus  is transferred into the oocyte.” This method produces ‘biological artifacts’ “capable of forming pluripotent stem cells without the creation and destruction of human embryos.” Hurlbut believes this method would satisfy both scientist and people’s moral and ethical values.

Debating restrictions on embryonic stem cell research by Colleen McClain
This source is an online experimental study. College students were asked to discuss the new restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research. Their emotions were evaluated because this is such a controversial topic. Opinions varied; some people thought that stem cell research is a good thing and would help save lives while others thought of it as murder. There isn’t really an outcome to the experiment because there is no right or wrong answer, just opinions. The political controversy was also discussed in the beginning of the article. Obama released restrictions on research after Bush had limited federal finances on embryonic stem cell research. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Library Reflection

Three important things that I learned during our class time at the library was:
  1. Google Scholar; this is something that I didn't know about previously and I believe it will be helpful in the future.
  2. The difference between scholarly and non-scholarly articles.
  3. The advantages of using EBSCO over google search engine.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Assignment for Feb. 9, 2012

                In the article entitled “Balanced Reading Instruction: A Review of Literature” by Debra Johnson, an analysis of reading and writing is discussed. Johnson cites eight sources in her essay. These sources seem credible because she uses them to back up her claim, kind of like evidence in a crime scene. Johnson states her ideas and uses the sources as support, not her main arguments. The information in the essay is evenly distributed between evidence and Johnsons own ideas. She explains herself very well making the essay easy for the audience to understand.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three Changes for Stephanie Blough

  1. Make some of the sentences more clear.
  2. Make sure the most important information is being disscused in the paragraphs.
  3. Make conclusion more interesting.
Over all, your paper is GREAT!

Three Questions to Ask my Group About my Paper

  1. Is there any other type (genre) of writing that you think I should include in my paper?
  2. How can I make my thesis more clear?
  3. What are ways that I can make my main points more clear?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Reflection of Group 1-26-12

In my group during class on Thursday, we talked about multiple things. One thing that I realized that I needed to do to better my paper is get better sources. I also need to make an outline to organize my paper. Here are other suggestions that my group thought of:
  • Keep paper interesting
  • Keep audience in mind while writing paper (incoming freshmen)
  • Make a claim and use sources to back up claim
  • Focus on effectivenesss

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Analysis of Three Sources for Informational Report

                For my informational report over the nursing profession I have four main sources: an interview with a nurse, a journal article, a magazine article, and one writing from a professional website.  This analysis will talk about the last three sources.
                My first source is a journal article entitled (Author)ity abroad: The life writing of colonial nurses. This article shows how past nurses’ writings influence nursing and writing in nursing today. Also, the journal article talks about methods of analysis for nurses’ life writing, the Colonial Nursing Association, letters by CNA nurses, and lastly, finding and future research in nursing. This article includes a list of references at the end which may also be helpful for my essay.
                The magazine article that I have chosen for my essay in entitled ANTICOAGULATION DRUGS: WHAT NURSES NEED TO KNOW. This is great example of an informational article that teaches other nurses’ how to do something. This article comes from the Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine which contains many forms of writings done by nurses. The article from this magazine will enlighten me to the many writing forms done in the nursing profession.
                The third source for my informational report over nursing is the National Institutes of Health website. This website contains health information, grants and funding, news and events, research and training, and much more. One particular article from this website that I will be using is one entitled How We’re Living With HIV. This article is a perfect example of the writing format done in the health field (outside of hospitals). This article catches readers’ attention with the visual effects, but also informs about the advances in HIV. It is a true academic writing that helps me understand what people in the health field write about.

Summary of Interview

                For my paper about writing in the nursing field, I interviewed Jennifer L. Wickliffe. Jennifer is a certified nursing assistant (CNA) at the University of Louisville Hospital. She mentions the high importance of writing in our interview, especially how important it is in the healthcare field. As a CNA, Jennifer doesn’t have much to write and the writing she does is very easy; she just has to make sure that everything she documents is correct. For nurses, however, the writing is extremely time consuming and tedious; many nurses stay after hours to finish “charting.” Jennifer explains the specific type of writing that she and her fellow healthcare co-workers do in this quote:
For me, I write what I did for the patient such as bathing, their I/O’s (intake/outtake), vitals, and if they refused the care I was giving. Nurses and Doctors have a little more writing to do. The Nurses have to chart the medicine that was given, any medical (errors if happened), hourly rounding, assessments etc. Doctors write orders, diagnoses, discharges, etc. (Jennifer Wickliffe)
Nurses and doctors spend about 80%-90% of their time writing daily, while CNA’s may spend about 10%-15% of their time writing daily.
                In a more technical sense of writing, Jennifer mentions that a formal tone is always used in nurses writing. Everything that they write is professional, respectful, and contains correct grammar. The main audience includes other adult healthcare professionals and lawyers. For nursing, MLA and APA format is used for writing. Research is used depending on certain situations, as shown in this quote:
CNAs don't really do any research, though I may go back in the charts to pervious charting from my coworkers to see if the patient had a bath and what they refused. Nurses might do some research on certain medicine or diagnoses so they can give better care to the patient. Doctors may do research as well, I am not for sure; but I would say they would have to do some research on a patient to better diagnose and treat him or her. (Jennifer Wickliffe)
Overall, the writing for nurses is important because the information being written is crucial to a patient’s health. They must make sure that the written information is professional, respectful, and most importantly, correct.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Exercise Two: Analyzing Quotes

The first quote that I will be analyzing is from an essay I wrote in English 101 entitled Welcome To Burlesque!
·         According to Webster’s Dictionary, burlesque is a “witty or derisive imitation” or a “broadly humorous variety show”. Basically, burlesque showcases a performance, with the main purpose being to mock or imitate and also to make the audience laugh.
I think this sample is good and meets all the requirements in exercise two.  If you were to read further into the paper, you would see how it relates to the text.
                This next quote is also from Welcome To Burlesque!
·         Film critic Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle agrees with Aguilera’s musical talent in this quote from his movie review of the film, “…Her deep, booming voice shakes the theater’s sound system…”
This sample introduces the quote well, but does not explain the quote very well. To fix this I can say something like, “The essence of LaSalle’s argument is that Christina Aguilera is a great singer.”

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Summary: How My Genre Will be used in My Paper

The journal article that I have chosen contains a large amount of important information; therefore, this article is crucial for my paper. Not only will this article give me a sense of background information that I did not previously know, but also give readers background information. I will use quotes from this article to give my paper ethos and to ensure that readers believe what I am writing.

Summary of Genre

The genre of my source for class today is a journal article called “The Life Writing of Colonial Nurses”. This article is about seven pages long and is an excerpt from a book entitled “International Journal of Nursing Studies”. It is written by three people: Jessica Howell, Anne Marie Rafferty, and Anna Snaith. The paper talks about nursing and its history with writing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Analysis of Assignment 1

I am currently studying nursing at the University of Louisville and my first assignment in English 102 will help me understand and learn more about the nursing career. This assignment is an informational report which requires me to write a report of an interview with a member of the profession I want to join in the future. Of course, the profession that I am writing about is nursing. My purpose for writing this essay is to increase the awareness of what nursing involves to college freshmen considering nursing as their major. The main audience of this paper will be college freshmen who are undecided about their future profession. The genre is an analysis essay which also requires me to synthesize different sources.  Since my audience includes undecided college students, my stance will be more critical in a hope to be helpful towards my audience.  The media of my analysis essay will be in print. I believe that writing this essay will not only help my audience make a decision, but will also inform myself about the nursing career. Hopefully, I will learn critical information regarding my future which will ensure that nursing is the path I want to take.

Friday, January 13, 2012

homework assignment #1

Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual Argument
                This essay entitled “Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual Argument” is an analysis of a popular Chanel perfume advertisement. The purpose of this essay is to argue whether or not this advertisement was successful. The purpose influenced my writing the most because I did believe that the advertisement was successful, meaning it would sell the perfume product. However, I thought the ad was a negative view of America’s society. This excerpt from my essay explains my viewpoint:
Many people, especially women (which the Chanel N5 is targeted toward), buy material items to bring happiness into their lives. However once that item is purchased, there is still something missing, causing people to buy more. Material things are only temporary, leaving only temporary happiness. Once that liquid is gone out of that perfume bottle, then what? We should not look for happiness in material items, but rather look at all of the simple blessings in our lives that money cannot buy.
The audience of my paper is also influential on my writing. Since the Chanel perfume ad was targeted towards women, my essay is also targeted towards women. Keeping this audience in mind, I used words that women can have a connection with. For example: “beautiful”, “love”, and “glamorous”. I believe that the overall essay was O.K. and could use improvement in grammar and sentence structure.
                My essay “Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual Argument” from English 101 executed the purpose and connecting with the audience well, but lacked in grammar and sentence structure.