Thursday, April 5, 2012

IMRaD Report Questionnaire

1.       Do you live on or off campus?

a.       On campus

b.      Off campus

2.       What is your GPA?

a.       Below 1.0

b.      Between 1.0 and 2.0

c.       Between 2.0 and 3.0

d.      Between 3.0 and 4.0

e.      Don’t Know

3.       Have you ever missed a class during the 2012 spring semester?

a.       Yes

b.      No

4.       Where do you study best?

a.       In the libraries on campus

b.      In your current residence

c.       Outside

d.      Other (please state where you study best:__________________________ )

5.       How many classes do you have in a week? Last week, how many of those classes did you attend?

6.       Does your current living situation affect your study habits (i.e. how long you study, how productive your studying is, where you study, who you study with, etc.)?

7.        What other things effect your study habits? For example, you like to study in complete silence rather than with music or any other distractions.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Plan: IMRaD Report

For my IMRaD report, I plan on conducting a survey for question (1) and an interview for question (2). The survey or interviews will be conducted in my English 102 class (or through email) and the participants will be my fellow classmates. After collecting all the data, I will analyze it in many ways. First, I will summarize the most important aspects of the study. Secondly, I will point out any problems in the experiment. Then, explain any implications. Lastly, suggestions for future research will be brought fourth.

Potiential Research Questions for IMRaD Report

1.       How do you like to study?

a.       With music

b.      With food

c.       Complete silence

d.      Other

2.       Do you live on or off campus? Does your current living situation affect your study habits? What other things effect your study habits?